AMP and Responsive Web Design
Google have released AMP: a new subset of HTML to make the mobile web fast. What does this mean for Responsive Web Design?
13 tips for making responsive web design multi-lingual
Responsive Web Design (RWD) builds on the primary design principle underlying the web’s core usefulness and growth: universality. A content out approach that is device agnostic makes your responsive website future friendly as it will in theory work on any device. The web wins the more viewable your website is. By adapting our responsive websites to work with multiple languages we can further increase the number of users who are able to use our content.
Does Facebook Instant Articles really threaten the web?
Native app rendering is the antithesis of responsive web design. Will it destroy the web?
We’ve made it.

We’ve finally crossed the line.
After almost 4 years, 5000 pull requests from 50 contributors, we’ve migrated the BBC News site to a totally new stack. We now have a single code base for all devices, in 30 different languages thanks to RWD.
How can it possibly take 4 years? Let’s start from the beginning …
Building a responsive SVG map
Visualising data is fun. Visualising election results in real time – especially so. For the 2014 local and european elections, we wanted to build rich visual components that tell the election results in an easy to understand way. One of those visual components is a fully responsive map, built with SVG. We learned a lot building it so wanted to share with you some information about how we did it.
How the BBC should practice Responsive Web Design
FACT: design as a service and responsive web design are incompatible. This is an open letter to Ralph Rivera, the head of BBC FM, explaining how we should change the relationship between developer and designer. This blog post is massively inspired by (and in some places copy’n’pasted from) Trent Walton’s excellent blog post which finally placed into words how I’ve always felt but was unable to externalise. Thank you Trent 🙂 and sorry for copying you so blatantly.
Responsive infographics workflow: the “datapic”
We changed our workflow for producing small infographics, making them quicker to create and output responsively. Here’s how we did it.
Ask us!
Using the BBC News responsive site ( )? Ask us anything you want here ( )
We’ll answer your questions.
A year as an undergraduate web developer at the BBC
After spending a few weeks getting started, Chris, this year’s trainee web developer in the BBC Visual Journalism team, was asked to build a quiz for a story on the News site with the Headline “[How stressed are you?](”. It was a tight deadline, but, working together with journalists and designers, the story went live on time and reached an audience of over a million users within 48 hours of being published. What’s more, Chris managed to get through the whole project without showing signs of very much stress at all!
Responsive iFrames
Deploying code into multiple unknown environments that change constantly is tough. Deploying code into multiple unknown environments that change constantly AND uses responsive web design to render in everything is impossible. Until now.
It’s Business Time
There are some things that we need to sort out before we can begin to start moving over tablet and desktop users to the responsive site. Some of these are fun responsive design challenges (getting our navigation to work all the way up to desktop is one of them) some of them are less fun.
Previously Tom Maslen wrote a quick summary of the responsive image loading strategy used by BBC News. This post resulted in a lot of interest from the development community and so we wanted to follow up with another quick post which explored in more detail the actual implementation of this approach.
Today we are announcing the release of a front end regression testing tool called Wraith. This tool is something we have been using for the last 6 months, it has proven invaluable in testing CSS changes, both deliberate and unintentional.
Download Wraith here :
The previous post Response-ish Web Design explained how we are slowly gaining content parity between the responsive and desktop websites. We’ve recently started adding tabulated data onto the responsive site. Its hard to do, here’s how we’ve done it so far.
Response-ish Web Design
Two BBC News codebases are not better than one. But until the responsive site is finished the desktop site can’t be retired. Read on to find out how Responsive Web Design is being used to keep both sites up to date.