Where BBC News developers blog about responsive design.

Opinions expressed on this blog are those of the individual contributors, and are not necessarily those of the BBC as a whole.

Responsive CSS that scales

CSS for a big site is different to CSS for a small, or even medium sized-site. The way CSS was intended, when you create a new piece of functionality for your website you simply write some new CSS to style it – easy.

    #feature-4 {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
        clear: both;
    #feature-4 article:first-child h2 {
        color: red;
    Feature 4
            Something happened!

This works well for a small website as because it gives you direct control over every element. For a medium-sized site you can scale your CSS by applying a few HTML patterns to your features, then simply writing your CSS to style those patterns rather than the features individually.

    .feature-4 {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
        clear: both;
    .latest-item h2 {
        color: red;
    Feature 4
            Something happened!

Then you try to write CSS for a big website. A website with hundreds of features, hundreds of thousands of pages. A site where you need to ensure features remain consistant when they are moved to places you never expected them to go, whilst providing a robust canvas for external developers to drop untested code on the page expecting it to ‘just work’. Whilst many languages let you manage your code by scoping it to particular features, the best option CSS currently offers is the ability to use classnames or IDs to namespace areas of your HTML. This works for individual features, but if you attempt to use namespacing higher up the HTML document tree to share code amongst multiple features you can easily end up with an unpredictable cascade of conflicting style rules that are only possible to control by writing further styles with increased selector specificity.

1. Messy CSS optimisation

Optimising CSS for re-use in the present almost always ends up limiting your ability to reuse that CSS in unexpected ways in the future. This leads to the situation apparent on many large websites where developers pragmatically bolt layer-upon-layer of high-specifity CSS overrides on top of prematurely optimised global styles. Whilst this works, it causes such a complex environment of style inherentance that designs very quickly become unwieldy to change.

Look at fig.1. If you had a bug in HTML feature #4, which CSS file would you look at first? Once you track down & fix the bug, how do you predict if any other HTML features might have been using the style you just changed? Should they all be retested to make sure they haven’t been affected by the change? How about branching a feature for some multivariate testing, or retiring one completely?

Object Oriented CSS

2. OO-CSS structure

Recognising this problem, Nicole Sullivan introduced the idea of Object Oriented CSS a couple of years ago. I’m not going to discuss the technique in depth here, but OO-CSS is an intelligent solution to a real problem and contains a lot of good ideas. The principle of separating the core visual language & grid from your feature styling gives you a much more straightforward contract between between HTML and CSS fig.2 and allows you to confidently re-use and adapt code with less risk of unexpected consequences. But the technique also comes with a significant sticking point – it requires reuseable styles to be defined using explicit classnames (such as .left-column) rather than semantic classnames (.main-content).

    .column-1of2 {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
    .left-column {
        clear: both;
    .highlight {
        color: red;
            Something happened!

This is a problem because it blurs the boundaries between style & content. A core part of the web-standards movement was the idea that we can insulate our content from conflicting browser behaviour by separating it from visual styling and behaviour. By using explicit classnames we’re in effect reverting back to the inline styles of old.

Pragmatically speaking, whilst this might be a compromise worth taking for traditional single-view websites, but it’s a big problem for responsive design. At tablet size your .left-column div might be styled as left-hand column, but at smartphone size it becomes full-width. Which classname would you use in that situation; .left-column & .full-column?

Object Oriented CSS using LESS

3. LESS structure

We can take the core principles of Object Oriented CSS – separating core visual language & grid styles from HTML feature styles, but rather than constructing these styles inline in the HTML with classnames we can use a CSS compiler to construct feature styles at the stylesheet level. There are a few CSS compiler languages available, but we’ve opted for LESS due to its similarity to vanilla CSS syntax and because it runs on node.js (which we already had running in our build process).

A styleguide LESS file would look like this:

    .column-1of2 () {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
    .left-column () {
        clear: both;
    .highlight () {
        color: red;

We can then create a LESS file for each HTML feature we produce, each of which simply reference the styleguide classes.

    .feature-4 {
        article:first-child h2 {

A LESS ‘compiler’ file pulls in both the styleguide and feature file:

    @import (styleguide.less);
    @import (feature-4.less);

And outputs a CSS file that looks like this:

    .feature-4 {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
        clear: both;

    .feature-4 article:first-child h2 {
        color: red;
    Feature 4
            Something happened!

fig.3. You can encourage re-use even further by creating UI patterns from your styleguide.

Styleguide with UI pattern:

    .column-1of2 () {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
    .left-column () {
        clear: both;
    .highlight () {
        color: red;
    .pattern-1 () {
        article:first-child h2 {


    .feature-4 {

This technique maintains the separation between styleguide & feature styles that allows Object Oriented CSS to scale so well, but by retaining the distinction between content and styling we can apply these benefits to a responsive design. If you create parallel LESS feature files for your different responsive views, you can simply choose different UI patterns from the styleguide for each viewport.

Styleguide with two UI patterns:

    .column-1of2 () {
        width: 50%;
        float: left;
    .column-1of1 () {
        width: 100%;
        float: none;
    .left-column () {
        clear: both;
    .highlight () {
        color: red;
    .pattern-1 () {
        article:first-child h2 {
    .pattern-2 () {
        article:first-child h2 {

Feature (wide viewport):

    .feature-4 {

Feature (narrow viewport):

    .feature-4 {

fig.4 By giving each HTML feature a LESS file for every viewport, you get a completely modular, dry CSS framework for responsive design.

4. Responsive LESS structure


Remember to Gzip! The downside of using CSS compilers in this way is that the styleguide code is duplicated every time they it gets applied to a feature. If you Gzip your files this isn’t problem, because Gzipping is practically designed to work best with identical strings of text, but without Gzip those files get quite large.